Friday 30 July 2010

My Baby

My baby is a joker. Well, you'd have to be to implant just in time for an April Fool's Day BFP.

My baby is learning how to tease his or her sisters. Poor Natasha's had a foot poking her in the back as she's sat on my lap several times lately.

My baby likes the same TV shows that I do. Its first strong, definite kicks came when my husband and I were watching a DVD of our favourite show and ever since then the movements come thick and fast whenever we watch it.

My baby has very definite ideas about the kind of cuisine it needs me to consume. It likes to invent new recipes on my behalf and makes me cook them, then makes me finish everyone else's leftovers! Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

My baby likes its own space. It hates it when my laptop rests against my bump for a moment and will kick and kick until I move it away.

I'm loving learning all about my baby's personality before he or she even arrives. I'm enjoying the precious weeks and months of bonding time before I get to hold my little bundle in my arms. I know that when that time comes it's not going to take away the pain and the loss it's taken to get to that moment but I cannot wait for the sunshine it will bring to our lives.

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