Saturday, 7 August 2010

Got it Licked!

Why do children lick things? I mean, they'll lick just about anything. Angelica used to be the champion at licking, In fact, my MIL used to ask for regular updates about the various things she had licked. This included the stairs, the front door, our legs, the television, the phone, my laptop - you name it, she licked it.

Natasha was never really one for putting things in her mouth - we had to work hard at convincing her to chew on a teething ring even - but now she has adopted the licking trend too. I was unaware that she was sneaking around beside me a moment ago until I felt something wet on my leg and found her choosing to taste my trousers. Ugh!

Angelica grew out of the licking phase a while back, I am happy to say, but not before she had wondered what her sister's hair tasted like and licked it. She also once tried to lick a guinea pig - I can't remember which one. I'm not sure who was more traumatised by the event, Angelica, the guinea pig or me!

Of course, I guess we send out mixed messages. Earlier on Angelica watched my husband moisten the back of an envelope with his tongue and seal it, so I couldn't really blame her for picking up the envelope and slobbering all across the address and the stamp. Her great-grandmother is in for a nasty surprise when that drops through her letterbox though.

With any luck Natasha's tongue-exploration phase will be over pretty soon, otherwise I'm going to have to invest in some waterproof clothes pretty quickly!

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