Friday, 6 August 2010

All About my 21 Week Scan

This has been some kind of crazy week. Monday finally brought my 21 week scan, and I was very nervous. I have been scared at every moment of this pregnancy and couldn't let myself believe for a moment that everything would be OK in case things had not gone well.

It was just my luck that the taxi driver on the way to the hospital chose to take me on the bumpy route. By the time I arrived I was feeling sick and already had a migraine coming on. Waiting in the humid waiting room for twenty minutes with a family who were all arguing about which one was going to get x-rayed didn't help either. Finally the doors of Ultrasound Room A opened and I was called in.

I had been dreading being called into that room. It was the room where I was given grim news last November. The last thing I wanted to do was to pass through those doors again. I'd been lucky to avoid it throughout this pregnancy so far but as soon as I walked through the doors it all came back. I was fighting tears by the time I climbed onto the table.

The ultrasound tech told me I didn't have to take my boots off, which was just as well since I hadn't... but I'd asked at the last 3 scans if I needed to remove them and hadn't had to yet so I just assumed that would be OK anyway. A moment later my baby was wriggling and waving on the screen, so much bigger than I had last seen. The most incredible part of the 20/21 week scans I've had so far has been to see the movement while I felt it too. There's something very magical about that.

I practically held my breath as the tech checked everything. She seemed to take a really long time looking at the heart and saw me looking at her nervously so she reassured me she was just trying to get a good picture. Eventually, scanning down further she told me she thought she could see something between the baby's legs. So on edge and nervous I thought she meant there was something wrong with the baby, some kind of growth, and it took me a few moments to realise she just meant boy parts!

To be honest, it was no surprise to me. I wish that it had been in a way, but I had always felt that we would have a boy next. Way back when I was pregnant with Natasha, before we found out her gender, I dreamed that she was a girl and that I was pregnant again with a boy and I have never shaken that image from my mind. I certainly trust my instinct more than I trusted the picture on the ultrasound which certainly didn't look like any boy-part U/S I've ever seen so I'm going to just double check at my next scan before I go crazy buying blue!

Everything looked good on the scan, no problems found, and I finally feel like I can relax and enjoy the latter part of this pregnancy. Finally!

The long, long bus journey home didn't do me a whole lot of good though, and I felt migrainey and nauseous for a couple of days afterwards, but yesterday finally we were all able to go to the coast for the day to celebrate. That - however - is a whole other story!

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