Thursday, 29 July 2010

Worst Cookery Lesson Ever

Part one of an occasional series: Misty's Highly Inaccurate and Vague Recipes!

I love to cook. I adore it. I am at home in the kitchen, randomly boiling or frying or grilling various food to see what happens. I have an issue with following recipes though, the issue being that it's just not me. I'll get an idea for something to make, I'll look up about three or four recipes online and then I'll just decide that I have a better idea and totally ignore the recipe.

This is good and bad - it means I don't have a diva-like strop if I accidentally add too many tomatoes but on the downside it makes it very difficult to share my recipes because I have no concept of measurements. Seriously, no concept at all.

So here is my attempt at sharing Misty's Inaccurate and Vague Spaghetti Bolognese:

You'll need:

Beef mince - how much? No idea. Whatever looks like enough to feed your family.
Stock Cubes
1 large tin of chopped tomatoes
Tomato puree
Spaghetti - enough to feed your family
Random things you find in your cupboard that you want to add

First of all, fry the beef mince in a pan until it's brown all over. Poke it a bit with a spatula, flip it, stir it and mix it around. Now, if you're a normal person who likes onion then you can chop and fry some of that first. If you're weird like me and my husband and don't like them then leave them out! We also don't like garlic so there's none of that in my spag bol. Yes, we are a match made in heaven!

When the beef is brown and cooked through, drain off the nasty, yucky fat that's come out of it. The result will be a big pool of gunk, like so:

Mmm, lovely!

Anyway, next open a tin of chopped tomatoes and pour them in. Mix into the mince, then add a few squirts of tomato puree. Mis-aim the tube, squirt it over the back of the oven, mutter under your breath about how much cleaning you're going to have to do later and put the tube away before you can cause any more damage with it.

Crumble in two beef stock cubes - more or less depending on taste and how much you are making, and also depending on whether you are pregnant and craving beef stock cube and end up eating half a cube. Add some boiling water, however much or little you like. Add a little cornflour to thicken the sauce, stir well and leave to simmer for half an hour until the liquid has reduced.

Next, start boiling your spaghetti, spend the next ten minutes worrying about whether you've cooked too much or too little, shout at your daughter for trying to climb into the guinea pig cage and then take the pasta off the boil.

Drain, serve, top with sauce and a little cheese, then devour your highly inaccurate, experimental and vague spaghetti bolognese!

Oh, and then don't accidentally leave a bowl of leftovers sitting on the bed while trying to clear the table because this happens:

Yes, you find your darling daughter raiding them behind your back! At least they didn't go to waste!

For dessert: Bolognese Pants!

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