Sunday, 28 February 2010

Her first boo-boos

I had my first grazed knee to deal with on Friday.

My eldest has made it until almost 3 before taking her big tumble. She grazed one knee and three fingers plus the palm of the same hand, but she was incredibly brave and has taken her war-wounds in good spirits. I think she quite liked the whole plaster-application process, even if I ended up with plasters stuck to my arms, legs, bed and floor in the process. Well, little fingers and fiddly plasters plus a tired, distressed mother make for a poor plaster application technique.

Taking a pitiful look at her hand, she frequently mutters "Oh dear, oh dear, what to do?" which results in a big hug, lots of kisses and a bucket of sympathy from her parents. Yeah, it'll stop being cute when the wounds have all healed and the plasters are long gone, but for now my poor little soldier is a brave little soul, despite her collection of boo-boos.

Now I feel like a fully-fledged mother.

1 comment:

  1. As if you were anything other than a full-fledged and wonderful mother before. ;)
    She went a lot longer than Daniel before getting her first boo-boo!
